Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Morning

We woke up to sunshine! Fingers crossed all and any bad weather is behind us and we can enjoy some good sun time!

Breakfast was first and it’s fun to watch everyone in the morning. Some run in so excited to start the day and others walk a little slower still waking up. But everything is in full swing and it all flows so well together.

From there is was morning activities. Zip line was open again for the younger kiddos, game hub, crafts and the special activity of the day was Aidens LEGO Legacy came to visit and bring presents for everyone! 

They have been coming for a few years now, Aiden one of our campers who is 14 loves legos. He loves them so much and found them so comforting in the hospital that their mission is now to help more kids like him. They bring in big LEGO sets for all the campers and even the companions and they have little races putting together the pieces! 

Zip line is always a good time, and it’s something that gets everyone outside and it was a perfect day for it. Today was the final day of the fishing derby and we had a ton of participation for it! The biggest fish caught was over 11 inches! 

Lunch rolled around but after that it was time for th a pie Fight! It got rained out yesterday so everyone was ready for it today- the fire truck came out to hose the kids down afterwards! 

The campers and companions mean business with this pie fight. Some personal vendettas come to light at the pie fight (all in good fun) and a good whip cream to the face is the ultimate payback.

It’s time for a little nap, there’s a busy afternoon ahead- the dance is tonight!! 

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