Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday night and Campfire

After dinner we had more activities lined up for the evening. 

We had a visit from The Blue Knights who gave all the kids a ride on their motorcycles. They come back every year, and the kids absolutely love it!

One of the coolest things in my opinion, the hot air balloon rides! Last year the wind got the best of the balloon and we had to stop the rides early so it was nice to see everyone get a chance to take a ride and get a good view from above!

Another favorite tradition is the a lot car races! We have a little station set up and the kids can race cars around the tracks. But then, right next to it they can actually take a ride on a real slot car/ soap box car!

In the corral we had a chance for the kids to decorate a tote bag that glows in the dark- it was CQKY name on it which is the beat part! 

It was a busy day filled with so many activities and things to do, it was so nice to end such a good day with a campfire. I’ve heard from other people that CQKY is referred to as the “singing camp” and I totally agree with that and I love it!

We love our campfire songs, just as much as we love Cindy leading them! Everyone gets so into it, companions and staff included and it really is just the perfect ending to a day.

It was such a good day, and time almost stops when we’re at camp. The days kinda blur together and we are all just ok Camp time. I can wait for the week to come! 

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