Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday Morning

From what I hear it was about half and half. Half of the campers were exhausted after the first day and were asleep before their heads hit the pillow and the other half were wide awake! Either way, it was a great day first day and we are now officially on our full days at Countey Lake!

THe morning has been a little rainy unfortunately, but the kids don’t seem to mind too much. We were able to do most of the planned morning activities with the exception of fishing which we will have throughout the week, but game hubs, crafts and zip lining we’re all a hit!!

I just have to brag for a minute about the ladies in the craft room. A lot of people don’t realize how much work goes into  not only the week of camp, but the crafts themselves! Jessica comes up with new ideas every year to keep the kids interested and they are so cool! This year the new one is marble scarves! I hope I said that right- anyways you put a blank canvas type material into a huge bin (that crafts made themselves) and then you can create your own design! I wish I could explain it better- it is really so neat! 

Zip lining is always fun and it’s always fun to see the kids work up the courage for activities like this. Some just don’t like heights and I can’t blame them, but they work up the courage to try it because it’s not something they can do everyday and I salute them all for trying it!

We had a few games of Bingo in the dining hall and of course the games hub was busy all morning! 

I’m hoping the rain goes away, the afternoon has a pool and lake party planned! 

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