There was lots of popcorn, sno-cones cotton candy for everyone- and most of the kids came back for seconds! The music was a lot of fun and very upbeat and helped to keep everyone entertained and enjoying themselves!
After the carnival it was time for another favorite tradition of camp.... Huber’s for dinner! OMG it’s so good! We had a huge dinner with everything southern comfort food can offer and I don’t regret any of the three deep fried biscuits and apple butter I ate!
From dinner it was time for the talent show! We had over 35 acts in the talent show, the highest number we’ve ever had, and it will only get bigger from there!
I will tell you we have some talented kids. We had violin players, guitar and piano players, singers and more! Today was filled with traditions and it only continued from there!
The last campfire was next and I swear they just get better and better. Camp fires are truly the best. They are the perfect time to see everyone just enjoying the little things. Camp fire songs are my favorite and everyone gets so into them and that makes it even more fun!
At the end of the last campfire every year, we have the graduating 16 year olds come up and talk for a second about their favorite things of camp! Some of these kids have been around for 10+ years and it’s just so cool to see them at this stage of their life!
This place is perfect. The people and all the kids are just a perfect little planet that I want to stay and not leave!
Tomorrow is the last day and we will start with a later breakfast and getting all of our things packed. It’s been Ana amazing week and tomorrow will be the perfect cherry on top ending!
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