Breakfast was good as always and then from there we headed to morning activities and to finish packing. We also had the senior swing send off. The graduating 16 year olds all got to take a leap of faith and do the bungee swing- I’ve done it before and it’s a little scary but still a really cool thing to try! The pet therapy dogs also came out again to say hi and to get a little love in!
The pool and the lake were both open since crafts and the game hub were about all packed up. I haven’t mentioned them thus far this week, but this is where the Country Lake staff really comes into help with our week. We have so many activities planned and the swimming activities require lifeguards and they are always there to help.
I cannot say enough good things about Ross, Allison and the entire staff at Country Lake. Year after year we see them and they remember the kids names, participate in the pie fight and do everything possible to make sure we have the beat week ever!
It’s onto lunch from there and this marks our last meal together of CQ 2018. We sang the meal song, laughed together and soaked up every second we could. The dining hall is probably the best place to observe. Lots of laughter and people just truly enjoying themselves.
Then it was the closing ceremony. We have a big picture slide show picture presentation to watch, then we have the seniors give a little farewell speech and then give medals out.
All of which are traditions. The senior speeches without fail every year make me cry. We had two 16 year old who this was their first and only summer as a camper and even listening to them talk about the week is emotional. Then you have the kids who have been here 10 years and talk about the water works. Watching these kids grow into young adults is such a privilege and something I am grateful for.
We also had all the former campers who are now companions and staff come on stage for a group picture! We have 20 returning campers this year, which is over 20% of total companions and that just is the best thing ever. To watch them give back to an orginization that means so much to them.
The bus ride back is always quieter then the bus ride to camp. Everyone is pretty exhausted from the week of camp but wants to enjoy the final ride.
This year was fantastic in every way. These kids are dealt some pretty rough cards and to be able to have a small part in helping them is just awesome.
Thank you to the staff, volunteers and families for another great week. We are already counting the days till next year!!