Saturday, June 30, 2018


Friday started off with sleeping in a little later. Thursday night is typically a later night for everyone, we don’t really want the week to end so we stay up and get the last few hours together that we can.

Breakfast was good as always and then from there we headed to morning activities and to finish packing. We also had the senior swing send off. The graduating 16 year olds all got to take a leap of faith and do the bungee swing- I’ve done it before and it’s a little scary but still a really cool thing to try! The pet therapy dogs also came out again to say hi and to get a little love in! 

The pool and the lake were both open since crafts and the game hub were about all packed up. I haven’t mentioned them thus far this week, but this is where the Country Lake staff really comes into help with our week. We have so many activities planned and the swimming activities require lifeguards and they are always there to help.

I cannot say enough good things about Ross, Allison and the entire staff at Country Lake. Year after year we see them and they remember the kids names, participate in the pie fight and do everything possible to make sure we have the beat week ever! 

It’s onto lunch from there and this marks our last meal together of CQ 2018. We sang the meal song, laughed together and soaked up every second we could. The dining hall is probably the best place to observe. Lots of laughter and people just truly enjoying themselves. 

Then it was the closing ceremony. We have a big picture slide show picture presentation to watch, then we have the seniors give a little farewell speech and then give medals out. 

All of which are traditions. The senior speeches without fail every year make me cry. We had two 16 year old who this was their first and only summer as a camper and even listening to them talk about the week is emotional. Then you have the kids who have been here 10 years and talk about the water works. Watching these kids grow into young adults is such a privilege and something I am grateful for. 

We also had all the former campers who are now companions and staff come on stage for a group picture! We have 20 returning campers this year, which is over 20% of total companions and that just is the best thing ever. To watch them give back to an orginization that means so much to them.

The bus ride back is always quieter then the bus ride to camp. Everyone is pretty exhausted from the week of camp but wants to enjoy the final ride. 

This year was fantastic in every way. These kids are dealt some pretty rough cards and to be able to have a small part in helping them is just awesome. 

Thank you to the staff, volunteers and families for another great week. We are already counting the days till next year!!  

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday afternoon and evening

The carnival is one of our bigger events during the week of camp. Child Spirit Inc. puts together a really good time for all the kids and tries to mix it up every year with a few different games. There were snacks, face paintings, carnival games and goodie bags for the kids- a perfect combo for a good afternoon!

There was lots of popcorn, sno-cones cotton candy for everyone- and most of the kids came back for seconds! The music was a lot of fun and very upbeat and helped to keep everyone entertained and enjoying themselves! 

After the carnival it was time for another favorite tradition of camp.... Huber’s for dinner! OMG it’s so good! We had a huge dinner with everything southern comfort food can offer and I don’t regret any of the three deep fried biscuits and apple butter I ate! 

From dinner it was time for the talent show! We had over 35 acts in the talent show, the highest number we’ve ever had, and it will only get bigger from there! 

I will tell you we have some talented kids. We had violin players, guitar and piano players, singers and more! Today was filled with traditions and it only continued from there! 

The last campfire was next and I swear they just get better and better. Camp fires are truly the best. They are the perfect time to see everyone just enjoying the little things. Camp fire songs are my favorite and everyone gets so into them and that makes it even more fun! 

At the end of the last campfire every year, we have the graduating 16 year olds come up and talk for a second about their favorite things of camp! Some of these kids have been around for 10+ years and it’s just so cool to see them at this stage of their life! 

This place is perfect. The people and all the kids are just a perfect little planet that I want to stay and not leave! 

Tomorrow is the last day and we will start with a later breakfast and getting all of our things packed. It’s been Ana amazing week and tomorrow will be the perfect cherry on top ending!  

Thursday Morning

It’s our last full day here at Camp and we are all determined to make the most of it all and enjoy this weather. The smell of sunscreen is in the air and everyone smells a little bit from all the sweat, but it’s actually not the worst thing in the world.

After breakfast we had morning activities. The normal game hub and crafts were open and then the new activity was Derby Games. We had a few different ones to participate in and all of them were sillier than the next. 

Shaving cream and cheese puffs of course

We had a relay race as a replica of derby traditions and then we tried to have a mini balloon race. A lot of them poped on the grass but it was still fun!

I am so happy that we had some visitors from Hope From Harper this morning to help with the games and to play the opening tune for the races.

Harper was one of our campers who has gained her angel wings but is still such a prominent part of Camp Quality. Her family and her organization sponsor the zip line every year and always stop by to say hi to everyone.

Visits like this are so special to me and everyone at Camp. These kids are so special and I am grateful that they stop by and keep in touch year after year. 

From the derby games it was tome for lunch, and then after our last horizontal time it’s time for the carnival! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday afternoon and evening

The pie fight was a smashing success. We were all ready to hit the showers and have horizontal time. After we got back up and going the afternoon activities were swimming at the pool and the lake, game hub and we had hairdressers come by to do the girls (and some guys) hair for the dance.

We also had our friends from the Home Depot come by and bring some little toys to build and paint. 

Dinner was especially good thanks to our friends at Wicks Pizza! Wicks is a long time supporter of CQKY and every year on Wednesday’s we have pizza from wicks, and it is so good! 

After dinner we started getting ready for the dance, all the guys got tuxedo T-shirt’s and a hat and the girls got to choose from dresses and even hair pieces. The dance has become a tradition too, every year we have some sort of dance. We’ve had 80’a party theme dances, sock hops and this year it’s a Derby Festival Gala. 

We snacked on Steel City Pops popsicles at the dance, took lots of pictures, sang Honky Tonk Badonkadonk at the top of our lungs and danced till the music stopped. 

After the dance we headed to campfire. I have to say campfire was on fire tonight! Everyone got so into all the songs and you could tell everyone has started to make new friendships and really connect with one another. It makes this place even better when you see the kids and companions having such a good time and creating memories.

All in all it was a fantastic day. I say it every year and I mean it, but I cannot believe tomorrow is Thursday and our lady full day. We will make the absolute most of it and have a blast all day! 

Wednesday Morning

We woke up to sunshine! Fingers crossed all and any bad weather is behind us and we can enjoy some good sun time!

Breakfast was first and it’s fun to watch everyone in the morning. Some run in so excited to start the day and others walk a little slower still waking up. But everything is in full swing and it all flows so well together.

From there is was morning activities. Zip line was open again for the younger kiddos, game hub, crafts and the special activity of the day was Aidens LEGO Legacy came to visit and bring presents for everyone! 

They have been coming for a few years now, Aiden one of our campers who is 14 loves legos. He loves them so much and found them so comforting in the hospital that their mission is now to help more kids like him. They bring in big LEGO sets for all the campers and even the companions and they have little races putting together the pieces! 

Zip line is always a good time, and it’s something that gets everyone outside and it was a perfect day for it. Today was the final day of the fishing derby and we had a ton of participation for it! The biggest fish caught was over 11 inches! 

Lunch rolled around but after that it was time for th a pie Fight! It got rained out yesterday so everyone was ready for it today- the fire truck came out to hose the kids down afterwards! 

The campers and companions mean business with this pie fight. Some personal vendettas come to light at the pie fight (all in good fun) and a good whip cream to the face is the ultimate payback.

It’s time for a little nap, there’s a busy afternoon ahead- the dance is tonight!! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday afternoon and evening

It was a pretty rainy afternoon. The pie fight was planned for right after lunch but it stared raining right before we were scheduled to start, but we rescheduled it for tomorrow so we won’t have to wait too long! 

Horizontal time was next and of course always a good refresher to your day. Unfortunately the rain stuck around most of the afternoon. We had a group coming by to set up an outside obstacle course that is like an ninja warrior course but the rain wouldn’t allow it. We made the best out of the situation and set up some games and the game hub and the younger kids could decorate a box for movie night.

We give them all cardboard boxes and they decorate them to sit in for the movie! 

The seniors got to enjoy a cook out, which is becoming a tradition. I love the older kids because so many of them you have watched grow throughout the years and to see them at 15 and 16 year olds it just awesome! 

After dinner we had a movie night and even were able to open the pool for a little after the rain had settled down!

Once the movie for the older kids ended we had bed races- well until we popped a tire! The picture show it, but it was a mattress on a little go cart looking car and we would run the kids around the track and see who got the fastest time! 

Even with the rain it was a good day. I think it was a day where we all truly appreciated everything and everyone at Camp Quality. The rain may be an inconvenience but I would rather a rainy day with great people than a sunny day with bad people. 

So thankful for everyone here, all the donors and of course the kids for turning rainy days into good days!

Tuesday Morning

The weather started off much better today then it did yesterday, the sun even came out for a little bit to show us some love. 

Breakfast was first as always and then from there crafts and game hub were open but archery and fishing were both new activities this morning. Fishing was rapidly busy, it was the first day of Holly’s Fishing Derby, Holly was a camper of ours who has gained her angel wings but is still very much so with us during the week of camp. We had a ton of participation from the kids at the lake this morning!

 Archery is one of the activities that isn’t open every day so when it is everyone tries to get some time in and a few shots/ even the companions! 

The pit fight was scheduled for after lunch but as soon as the whip cream was out of the fridge it started raining. Depending on time and weather it will either by rescheduled for today or another day! 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday afternoon and evening

Another great day in the books!

After lunch we headed to the companions favorite part of the day, horizontal time! It may sound silly to some people, but it is so needed for everyone! Days are so filled with so much activities and excitement it is so nice to have a little break in the day and just catch your breath! 

Luckily, the weather held out fairly well and we were able to have the pool and beach party. 

The lake here is so cool. Every year it seems like they add something new. Last year it was a huge water slide and this year they have a new floating dock! 

I do have to acknowledge another favorite part of the day- snack cart. I swear, we will still be eating lunch and the snack cart will roll up and everyone will make a mad dash. They make stops between each meal and then in the evening for one last sugar fix! 

From then it was time for dinner and it was so good might I add- frito tacos! 

After dinner we all headed to the Night at the Races event! It’s new this year and defiantly plays into our derby theme. Each camper and companion got to bet on a few races. They would hear the horses names and a little about the horse then come up and pick which one to win. By the end of the 6 races if you had won multiple races you could win a price. It was awesome for both the campers and companions and they really got into it! 

Our evening snack was Cookie Dough! There is a new place in Louisville that serves no bake cookie dough and it was delicious!!

For the final event of the evening it was time for fireworks. They got to the campground around 3pm to start setting everything up and it did not disappoint. This is one of our long standing traditions every year- a massive fireworks show! It was amazing as always and the kids loved it, especially the little ones! 

Monday Morning

From what I hear it was about half and half. Half of the campers were exhausted after the first day and were asleep before their heads hit the pillow and the other half were wide awake! Either way, it was a great day first day and we are now officially on our full days at Countey Lake!

THe morning has been a little rainy unfortunately, but the kids don’t seem to mind too much. We were able to do most of the planned morning activities with the exception of fishing which we will have throughout the week, but game hubs, crafts and zip lining we’re all a hit!!

I just have to brag for a minute about the ladies in the craft room. A lot of people don’t realize how much work goes into  not only the week of camp, but the crafts themselves! Jessica comes up with new ideas every year to keep the kids interested and they are so cool! This year the new one is marble scarves! I hope I said that right- anyways you put a blank canvas type material into a huge bin (that crafts made themselves) and then you can create your own design! I wish I could explain it better- it is really so neat! 

Zip lining is always fun and it’s always fun to see the kids work up the courage for activities like this. Some just don’t like heights and I can’t blame them, but they work up the courage to try it because it’s not something they can do everyday and I salute them all for trying it!

We had a few games of Bingo in the dining hall and of course the games hub was busy all morning! 

I’m hoping the rain goes away, the afternoon has a pool and lake party planned! 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday night and Campfire

After dinner we had more activities lined up for the evening. 

We had a visit from The Blue Knights who gave all the kids a ride on their motorcycles. They come back every year, and the kids absolutely love it!

One of the coolest things in my opinion, the hot air balloon rides! Last year the wind got the best of the balloon and we had to stop the rides early so it was nice to see everyone get a chance to take a ride and get a good view from above!

Another favorite tradition is the a lot car races! We have a little station set up and the kids can race cars around the tracks. But then, right next to it they can actually take a ride on a real slot car/ soap box car!

In the corral we had a chance for the kids to decorate a tote bag that glows in the dark- it was CQKY name on it which is the beat part! 

It was a busy day filled with so many activities and things to do, it was so nice to end such a good day with a campfire. I’ve heard from other people that CQKY is referred to as the “singing camp” and I totally agree with that and I love it!

We love our campfire songs, just as much as we love Cindy leading them! Everyone gets so into it, companions and staff included and it really is just the perfect ending to a day.

It was such a good day, and time almost stops when we’re at camp. The days kinda blur together and we are all just ok Camp time. I can wait for the week to come! 

And we’re off... Sunday

Where to begin?!?

After send off we took the short ride to Henryville and arrived at one of the best places on earth- Country Lake. Once we got here it was straight into activities. We’ve learned over the years that for some reason the kids really don’t like sitting through meetings and listening to adults talk..... who would have known?!?

So the idea is to get some of the orientation done on the bus ride so when we get to camp, it’s just a quick intro and then off to activities! 

The pool and the lake were open and of course the game hub got some visitors.

We have so many new kiddos this year, that everyone is starting to meet new people and fall into new friend groups! 

Dinner was up next and I am a bad blogger and did not get any pictures from our friends at Cowboys for Kids- who let’s face it are more than friends, their family. We had an awesome dinner with a ton of desserts and everyone is officially in camp mode after the first meal and the meal song!