Today is Thanksgiving day! We had a couple pligrims and turkey hunters at breakfast this morning for the theme and after breakfast we played BINGO and the staff from the Floydsburg YMCA came out to play some field games with us!
After lunch and a few morning activities was the PIE FIGHT! It gets pretty competitive out there for the older kids and companions but that makes is even more fun. Everyone put on their old t-shirts and bathing suits, tied their hair into plastic bags (that would get pulled off anyway) and took their place around the table to be handed fresh thick pie cream.
Camper and companion : )
Why yes, she it modeling her trash bag dress and plastic bag hat for the pie fight.
I know I mentioned the staff here at camp in another post, but to all the parents reading this please know how good they are to us. This is our 4th year at Country Lake and a lot of the staff has been here as long as we have and they are absolutely wonderful. They got in the pie fight with us and had a blast!
Camper Companion Love!
It was a beautiful day outside, and the local fire department was here as usual to help hose us all off. Now its off to horizontial time, and to rest a little bit before the big anniversary night tonight!
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