Monday, June 24, 2013

Camp Fire and Fireworks

Tradition continues as we all took our seats around the camp fire for snacks and camp fire songs. Cindy does a good job at getting us all in the singing mood and we have a few favorites; Matilda the Gorilla is my personal favorite song, the shark song, and Rocky Top are also a few of the favorites! Something so little as sitting around a fire can brings everyone together in such a big way..
As a companion and a sister of a camper, I can really saw that the times we spend doing just a little bit of nothing are the best for us.. Talking to friends and learning new songs with crazy hand motions put such a smile on these kid's faces it makes you want to stop time!

Following camp fire we found a spot on the tarp to watch the fireworks. I wanted to take so many pictures during the show of kids looking in amazement at the lights and colors in the sky (but I was afraid the flash might ruin the moment.. :)) so I looked at them and at the fireworks and took it all in. We have a firework show every year and these people put so much hard work and donations and we really do enjoy it!

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