Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Costume Dance!!!

Every year we have a dance where all the girls dress up and get their hair and make-up done by professionals and the boys wear their tuxedo t-shirts. But this year was a little different; because the theme of the day was Halloween we made it a costume dance instead, and I think it was a hit!

 The boys got pretty into it too...
 Diner girls!
 and of course a little Star Wars!

 This was my favorite costume of the night! Past camper now companion showing her love for Greg our director by dressing as him for the dance!!
 Matching camper and companion : )

It was a good night to say the least; everyone danced and sang to lots of songs! Jeremy our DJ who has been coming at least all 5 years I have been coming is so great to us! He knows the kids by names, takes special song requests and makes it an even better time for everyone!

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