Sunday, June 30, 2013

back to reality

Camp came and went just as quick as I feared it would... Camp has been apart of my life for a long time now and every year, I fall in love even more with the people, the environment and most of all the kids. The kids that have the power to change lives, and do so every day with their courage and bravery.
This place changes you, and the way you look at life. How precious it really is, and how amazing the little things truly are. I am so blessed to have Camp Quality in my life, and that I am part of this family. I already can't wait for next week.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading this past week, I hope you got to see a little glimpse of camp through this blog. I will try and make posts of events, fundraisers, and the reunion just to keep a little update on camp.
This was the last picture I took from camp, bus ride home already dreaming of next year : )

Friday, June 28, 2013

Goodbye for now

Bags got packed, and lunch came around all too soon. Our last meal always seems so far away at the beginning and when it comes it doesn't even seem real!
We all sat down in the Corral to watch the picture slideshow throughout the week, it was so cute!
After the slideshow, the graduating campers and staff were able to say a few last words.. I mentioned in the last post about speeches and these were no different.
I have been a companion for 5 years now, and a big sister of a camper for a lot longer than that so these last few words are always special to my heart. These kids (all ages) have been through so much, and for me and all the other companions to take off a week of work and school is so completely worth it.

Thank you to these ladies above, and many more. Carolyn, Sharon, Sharon, and Millie just finished their last year with CQ KY after nearly 20 years from them all and from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for all you do, and have done for this camp and the people, we love you!

Friday (Easter) Morning

The last day of camp came too soon, like always. We woke up a little sleepy eyed from staying up to late but of well, it was so much fun! Breakfast was a little later today which was much helpful after packing and a long night!
We started off after breakfast with some fun activities!
 A morning easter egg hunt, with this little cutie who found the golden egg :)
Also a new event, Aiden's Lego Legacy came to visit today! Aiden a camper of CQ and his friends came to giev everyone lego's and also set up a bunch of really fun fair like games with some prizes!

Thursday Night!

Thursday night was a very full and eventful night! We started off with Huber's for dinner (YUM!!) It was delicous like always, and they are so nice to bring it out to us every year!
After dinner we headed over to the music hall for the talent show! I love the talent show; we have small acts and huge acts and they all are fantastic and put smiles on our faces!

After the talent show we headed to the bonfire for our last camp fire and s'mores. Last night of camp is always bittersweet; graduating campers start to realize that wow this is my  last night as a camper and the emotions start to flow...
This year one thing I noticed was how sweet the little campers were; if they saw someone upset or looking sad they would run up and greet them with a big hug! It warms my heart to see such love with these kids.

It was a great night with great kids and people; some tears were shed when the graduating 5 campers got up to make little speeches but I love that... Not the tears but I love that they are all here in front of me making these beautiful speeches about how much they love camp.
Camp fire was followed by a long night filled with giggles and story telling in the girls dorm at least :)


Thursday's during camp always mean Carnival time is here. Louisville Realtors have been with us for 8 years now putting on this carnival. We had a rock wall and a photo booth this year which were two new additions.

We get cute t-shirts every year, and the campers get big bags of goodies, the realtors are so nice to us and we all have a blast! Sorry I don't have any more pictures right now, I'll try to track some down and post them later : )

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Start of thursday

Thursday is valentines day, and I'm proud to say my camper wore an adult diaper this morning and dressed as cupid!
 The lake is so much fun to go too.
 The blob will make you fly
 swimming with friends. ..
 Zip Lining!
 Obstacle course races, this is a new lake toy this year!
 : )

I mentioned my camper wore an adult diaper as cupid for breakfast, well for lunch she challenged Carolyn to a spaghetti eating contest (no hands of course)
 She won! But carolyn put up a good fight!
 Talent Show is tonight, so she's saving her voice!
 We also had Chloe's cupcakes come to camp for the second year in a row. The kids and companions can decorate their own cupcakes with all kinds of goodies, YUMMY!
And of course a little morning archery!

Happy Thursday is right; I can't believe we are only here one more night. We get into a routinue and love every minute of it, it's weird to think this year is almost over!

christmas wednesday!

 Wednesday was Christmas! It was a very fun and wet day, but we had a silver lining for dinner; Wicks Pizza! They braved the weather and brought us all pizza from Louisville and it was good! We are so thankful for wick's every year!!
 During dinner we had a special guest surprise us... SANTA! We brought all the campers a few little goodies and even better he brought a smile to their faces : )

After Santa and dinner festivities, we settled for an indoor bonfire..without a fire. We sangs songs as usual and had an ice cream social!

Land Rovers

 Land Rovers are a favorite part of camp for a lot of campers. We didn't have the best weather for it this year, it was a little muddy but most of the kids got to go for rides, but not everyone...

 Rick is his name I believe, and he has been coming with Rover for a couple years now and is such a sweet heart. We had someone who REALLY wanted to go on the land rovers, but had to miss out because of the weather rolling in. But he came over to talk to her and tried to hold out for the weather..

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

16 Bowling

Wednesday morning the 16 years old's (graduating campers) got to go bowling! We headed out on the school bus to do some bowling and lunch!

Our staff is great, they go through so much to let us do all the things we do at camp and even if we have some nappers on the bus; they all still have a blast.