Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Earth Wednesday

It's our third morning and today we are celebrating our Earth themed day! 

I wasn't able to get any pictures but some of the camper and companion pairs are so creative this year with their outfits and their accessories for the themes, I will try and post later because they deserve recognition!! 

After breakfast we had a few visitors to stop by. We had a hot air balloon ride for today! Unfortunately the wind was not on our side so not everyone got a ride but the instructors were so nice and helpful! They gave the kids  a little class demonstration and let the kids (and the companions) inside the basket and showed them how the balloon gets in the air! I think the kids really enjoyed it!

We also had a special group today - Aidan's Lego Legacy! Aidan is a camper of ours who loves legos! His family comes by each year and sets all the kids up with legos and a few games and they love it! 

Crafts were also a go to this morning (really every morning) so it always gives the kids something creative to keep busy with. And once again the weather was as perfect as anything could be!!

Up next is lunch! I think hot dogs is one of the menu choices then off to catch a little cat nap before afternoon activities! 

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