Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday afternoon and evening

After we caught a quick nap after the pie fight it was time for afternoon activities. We had a few things going on throughout the camp. 

The littles made a drive in movie car from a cardboard box to sit in while they watched their movie for movie. Igbo tonight! They are so stinkin cute! We have done this project for a few years now and the kids get so into making their cars! They make windows, headlights and even make their cars stick to their friends cars so they can have a SUV! So cute!!

The older kids split their time between decorating paper lanterns for the lantern walk later in the week and with the Dance heads! They put their head on a little automated body and while a song plays along! 

Then it was off to dinner (we eat a lot of anyone was curious).

The oldest kids had a cook out which has become somewhat of a tradition to give them a good meal during the week!
We had a movie night with MOANA! 

Then he had a little extra time and played around at the. After all courts and the game hub!

I can't believe this is already out third night. It goes by so quickly and all I want to do is soak in every minute!!!


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