Dinner was amazing- thanks to Hubers for bringing dinner out to Henryville! For those of you who have never tried it, I promise you it is worth it!
Once we stuffed our faces with fried chicken and deep fried rolls we headed to the Talent Show! The talent show is open to anyone and everyone and is a perfect ending to a full week. This year we had close to 35 acts ranging with talents in musical instruments, telling jokes, magic tricks, singing, hula hooping and even tae Kwon do!
Not everyone does, but a lot of campers and companions participate in the talent show. It's a fun way to sorta break out of your shell and have fun doing something creative that you enjoy!
I wish I got better pictures but with the lights on the stage it was all a little blurry but it was a true joy to watch!
Once the talent show wrapped up, we headed to the final camp fire. It was a little warmer tonight but that didn't phase anyone. We sang songs, joked and laughed. The last campfire, the seniors get to say a little message and tonight they shared their favorite memories from camp.
It was so interesting to hear their answers. Some of them have been coming for 11 and 12 years where other kids have just started coming over the last 3 years. No matter the length they all share a common chapter in their own stories and can relate on a level that not many adults can even imagine.
Some said their favorite memories were the little things; playing basketball with camp friends and just being together. It is a one of a kind relationship these kids have with each other and I can't begin to describe how incredible it is to watch it with your one eyes.
We ended campfire to light up the sky with the lanterns the kids decorated earlier in the week. Just a little goodbye to all be together one last night!
Tomorrow is the final day. We will have two more meals together, morning activities and of course closing ceremonies. As we speak the photography team is putting together an epic slideshow from the week for everyone to see tomorrow!