Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Camp Quality Ohio

So I know I'm a little late for this post, but I couldn't shake camp from my mind today (not that that's a bad thing). So I figured I'd let everyone know about how awesome of a time I had visiting camp Quality Ohio earlier this month, and how happy I am that I had not only one, but two weeks of Camp Quality this summer!

Camp Quality Ohio is based out of Akron Ohio, but their camp facility is now in Butler, Ohio so it was only about a 3.5/4 hour drive from Louisville! I was fortunate to be on staff this year at Camp Quality Kentuckiana and work with our programs director and help with some behind the scenes aspects of camp, but I missed the companion aspect of the week and was eager to spend time with the kiddos!

As you can probably imagine, all camp qualitys are pretty similar. They all have one goal- Letting kids with cancer be kids again! And then there were some differences (good of course) that I'm so glad I got to see and participate in! Not big differences, just some new games, new activities and a different camp facility made for almost a whole new experience for me- I loved it!

CQ Ohio not only serves kids who have been diagnosed with cancer, but it also extends a week of camp to the patients siblings. Speaking from experience of being the sibling (my b rother was a camper for 7 years, and is now a companion) of a camper this is a pretty cool thing. I love the fact that CQ Kentuckiana caters to patients only because it gives the kids such a special bond to all share, but on the same side I love that certain camps are able to offer camp (only for a few years) to siblings!

I got paired with an 8 year old little girl, who has a sister currently going through treatment. I cannot brag enough about this 8 year old. She was funny, polite, kind and loved her sisters more than anything in this world, and let me tell you it brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion! It was insanely cool to be her companion for a week and get to experience CQ Ohio together.

During the week we went on a field trip got to ride go carts and mini golf, climbed rock walls, went swimming, got henna tattoos, ate WAY to much food, went to a prom themed dance and truly  had an amazing time!

I can't say enough good things about the staff and companions at CQ Ohio. It truly says something about an organization that has branches all over the country that is  run by volunteers! So many people of all ages donating a full week of their summer to spend time with these kids. I have met some of my dearest and closest friends thanks to Camp Quality Kentuckiana, and now I can say the same about Ohio.

I got to talk with people in Ohio and find out that they love Camp just as much as I do! Some found about it through school, volunteer events and even old campers returning as companions.

I am so happy that I was able to go and I truly cannot express the emotions I have when I think about camp quality. I am so thankful to all the staff, companions and of course the kids who make this place so special! If you are ever in need of a pick me up, or want a life changing week- come volunteer next summer!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

All for One Friday (A Day Late)

Yesterday was so busy I didn't have time to update! 

We got to sleep in a little yesterday with breakfast a little later. It was a very upbeat morning, sometimes the last day can be a little sad but overall everyone was in good spirits and more thankful for the week then bitter about it ending.

After breakfast we headed to the "Mega Swing" for all the seniors (16 and 17 year olds). This is a new tradition that all the last year campers do which raises you up (probably 25 feet in the air) and you release yourself and take a big leap of faith! I've done it personally as a companion of a senior and I will tell you it is a BIG swing!

Then we had a little bit of time for swimming and to finish packing. 

Then it was on to lunch.

From there we had closing ceremonies. During this time we show a slide show of the week with pictures from the week. We have three photographers this year and I want to give them a shout out! 

These guys are everywhere all week making sure all memories are truly captured and that there is plenty of materials for the logbook, reunion and of course the slideshow! We are so fortunate to have such dedication from these guys who want to make sure CQKY has pictures forever!

During this time we get to hear a speech from all the seniors... this is when the real waterworks start, for me espjcally. 

This was my 9th year of camp and I have been able to see some of these kids truly grow up. It is amazing to see their personalities and their giving hearts over the years and most importantly their health progress over time and it truly makes my heart happy!

We had one camper who has had the same companion for 12 years straight! The relationships that are formed at Camp is something I will never be able to explain. 

Everyone gets a medal at camp, as a little token and gift to remember the year! After the medals the buses were waiting to take us back to Kosair charities. We hit NO traffic this year which is a little different from previous years. 

This year was one for the books. We are growing which is a good thing, so that these kids can have such a magical week but at the same time it breaks my heart that there are continuous childhood cancer diagnosis. 

It sounds weird, but I hope one day there won't be a need for Camp Quality, because that would means there is no more childhood cancer. I am so thankful for this organization and the people in it that make it so incredible. 

Thanks for keeping up with us this year! We're here all year round so make sure to follow our Facebook page for updates on fundraisers, events and more. 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday Evening

One word. HUBERS.

Dinner was amazing- thanks to Hubers for bringing dinner out to Henryville! For those of you who have never tried it, I promise you it is worth it! 

Once we stuffed our faces with fried chicken and deep fried rolls we headed to the Talent Show! The talent show is open to anyone and everyone and is a perfect ending to a full week. This year we had close to 35 acts ranging with talents in musical instruments, telling jokes, magic tricks, singing, hula hooping and even tae Kwon do! 

Not everyone does, but a lot of campers and companions participate in the talent show. It's a fun way to sorta break out of your shell and have fun doing something creative that you enjoy!

I wish I got better pictures but with the lights on the stage it was all a little blurry but it was a true joy to watch!

Once the talent show wrapped up, we headed to the final camp fire. It was a little warmer tonight but that didn't phase anyone. We sang songs, joked and laughed. The last campfire, the seniors get to say a little message and tonight they shared their favorite memories from camp. 

It was so interesting to hear their answers. Some of them have been coming for 11 and 12 years where other kids have just started coming over the last 3 years. No matter the length they all share a common chapter in their own stories and can relate on a level that not many adults can even imagine.

Some said their favorite memories were the little things; playing basketball with camp friends and just being together. It is a one of a kind relationship these kids have with each other and I can't begin to describe how incredible it is to watch it with your one eyes.

We ended campfire to light up the sky with the lanterns the kids decorated earlier in the week. Just a little goodbye to all be together one last night!

Tomorrow is the final day. We will have two more meals together, morning activities and of course closing ceremonies. As we speak the photography team is putting together an epic slideshow from the week for everyone to see tomorrow! 

Thursday Air- Morning and Afternoon

It's our last official full day of CQ17.

We started out the morning with breakfast and just an overall relaxed feel. After eating we had morning activities which included fishing, crafts, game hub and talent show practice. 

We have over 30 acts for the talent show this year so I am preparing myself for a very good show later tonight! 

Crafts is always busy and fishing has picked up this year too. More kids seem to want to spend a little time at the lake fishing. Game hub was also a big hit- board games, making buttons, card games and more!!

Then it was time for lunch and just a short horizontal time today. We are getting up early for the annual CQ carnival! Our friends over at Child Spirit Inc. are nothing short of fabulous to us. Every year they put on one the biggest activities we have, with the carnival and not only that they sponsor the baseball game at the River Bats field in Louisville for all companions, campers and staff later in August! 

We can't thank them enough!! We had so many new campers this year that the kids didn't know what to expect with the carnival. So many big eyes waiting in line for the inflatables and the cotton candy! It was a very good afternoon!!

And we can't forget about the Goodie bags for all the campers from Child Spirit Inc too!

And we can't forget about the shirts we get from the carnival every year! I'm pretty sure I have this shirt in 9 colors and I love it!

They even brought out the rock climbing wall!!

It was the warmest day we've had so far this week but we stayed on top on sun screen and water and it all went well! It really is crazy that it's already Thursday afternoon and the talent show is ronight and our last camp fire!!

And how could I forget- HUBERS is bringing us dinner tonight!! I wish you all could hear the excitement in my voice for Hubers- so good!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wednesday afternoon and evening

After horizontal time we had afternoon activities! 

The older kids started with some outdoor games brought to us by a group from Louisville called Proformance! They actually held a fundraiser for Camp not too long ago so we are thankful and excited for what is yet to come from these. new friends! 
They set up an insanely cool obstacle course filled with water balloons, speed races, tug of war and even a paper airplane contest! The kids really enjoyed it and it was nice to do something so active and get everyone on their feet! 

The afternoon had quite a few options for activities! Our friends from Home Depot came out and brought some fun little projects for the kids to build and paint. They come every year and give the kids an orange apron and let them be a little contractor for a bit!

The pool was open as well so the first part of the afternoon was spent in the water (with lots of sunscreen) just having fun and lounging by the pool! 

With the dance tonight we had a few hair stylists come out to help the girls get ready for the dance! The girls love getting all dolled up for the dance- this years dance theme was Cave Rave! 

Dinner was from Wicks Pizza!!!! We love Wicks! They are also a huge friend of camps and not only do they bring us pizza every year, they help us throughout the year with various activities!!!

Then steel city pops from Louisville came out for dessert! I had never tried them but they did not disappoint! From there is was the dance and we had the Wolfe Brothers as music for the night! 

After the dance was camp fire. When I say I love camp quality campfire, it's an under statement. Camp fire is our biggest tradition and brings together such unity. All ages, if it's your first year of your 10th everyone sings songs and just truly loves one another.
I can confidently say tonight was one of the best camp fires we've ever had. Everyone was on their feet, telling jokes, laughing and goodness did my make by heart happy.

You forget sometimes that all these kids have been through such a tough time. Camp fire really has a way of bringing us all together and taking a little time out to all be in the same place and doing something as simple as singing a song about a gorilla named Matilda.

I would lie if I said a tear didn't almost come down my face, but I wouldn't mind if it did because I know their happy tears. It's hard to believe tomorrow is our last full day but I promise we will make the most of it!!

Gosh, I love this place. 

Earth Wednesday

It's our third morning and today we are celebrating our Earth themed day! 

I wasn't able to get any pictures but some of the camper and companion pairs are so creative this year with their outfits and their accessories for the themes, I will try and post later because they deserve recognition!! 

After breakfast we had a few visitors to stop by. We had a hot air balloon ride for today! Unfortunately the wind was not on our side so not everyone got a ride but the instructors were so nice and helpful! They gave the kids  a little class demonstration and let the kids (and the companions) inside the basket and showed them how the balloon gets in the air! I think the kids really enjoyed it!

We also had a special group today - Aidan's Lego Legacy! Aidan is a camper of ours who loves legos! His family comes by each year and sets all the kids up with legos and a few games and they love it! 

Crafts were also a go to this morning (really every morning) so it always gives the kids something creative to keep busy with. And once again the weather was as perfect as anything could be!!

Up next is lunch! I think hot dogs is one of the menu choices then off to catch a little cat nap before afternoon activities! 

Hope from Harper

Tuesday evening we had a special visit from a group that means a lot to camp quality KY. Hope from Harper is a group that has helped camp for many years now with sponsorships on the Zip Line and meals!

Harper was a camper at CQKY a few years back was an absolute joy to be around. I remember the girls getting ready for the dance that year and her just running around the room laughing so hard you couldn't help but smile. Smiling is contagious around here and Harper was always one you could count on for a good giggle. 

Harper gained her angel wings but is still very much a presence at camp each year. We have a special sitting area dedicated to her and Lydia and her family is always so gracious to us!

This year they sponsored our Tuesday night dinner and stooped by to say hi! 

I can tell you from personal experiences how much of a joy Harper was. We see her signs and think about her every year! Thank you to the family and Hope from Harper for the delicious dinner!!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday afternoon and evening

After we caught a quick nap after the pie fight it was time for afternoon activities. We had a few things going on throughout the camp. 

The littles made a drive in movie car from a cardboard box to sit in while they watched their movie for movie. Igbo tonight! They are so stinkin cute! We have done this project for a few years now and the kids get so into making their cars! They make windows, headlights and even make their cars stick to their friends cars so they can have a SUV! So cute!!

The older kids split their time between decorating paper lanterns for the lantern walk later in the week and with the Dance heads! They put their head on a little automated body and while a song plays along! 

Then it was off to dinner (we eat a lot of anyone was curious).

The oldest kids had a cook out which has become somewhat of a tradition to give them a good meal during the week!
We had a movie night with MOANA! 

Then he had a little extra time and played around at the. After all courts and the game hub!

I can't believe this is already out third night. It goes by so quickly and all I want to do is soak in every minute!!!


Pie Fight

It's here- the Camp Quality Pie Fight! This is one of the most anticipated events of the week and it never dissapoints. We had a lot of participation this year from all age groups, companions and staff! 

It does the soul good to just throw a handful of whipped cream in someone's face every once in a while.





Everyone got to wash off in the hose afterwards and then make a mad dash for the showers. Everyone has the biggest smile on their faces during the pie fight and its so fun to watch either from the sidelines or in the middle of the fight! 

Next is a much needed horizontal time! 

Tuesday Water Day

Today is water day! Everyone is getting into the spirit of dressing up for the themes this week. We have a lot of past campers who are now companions and they are doing a really good job at taking advantage of the themes and dressing up!

After breakfast and a quick intro for the day we split up for morning activities. We had a puppet show come and do a show for the younger kids-


Today was also the day for Hollys Fishig Derby. It was a huge success and over half the came (42 kids) came out to participate in fishing! 


Crafts as usual was a huge success! We also have a Game Hub. The game hub has board games, playing cards and small activities for the kids to come by and enjoy. It's a good place to just sit and relax while still doing something and being around everyone! 


The snack carts made their way around this morning which for some is always the highlight of the morning! Morning activities last about 3 hours between breakfast and lunch! 

Next is lunch then after that is the PIE FIGHT!!!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday afternoon and Evening

After lunch we took a quick break for horizontal time. Even if the kids aren't tired it gives everyone just a little down time during the day to relax and take a breather.

From there we headed straight to the water- Lake and Pool! The lake at Country Lake is so cool! Zip lines, inflatables, water slide and more were a great way to pass the afternoon- of and did I mention the weather?!? Because it was PERFECT! So far we have been very lucky with weather in Henryville and I hope it's here to stay!!



From there it was time for dinner!  We had a reporter (a camper) do a few interviews for the new and exciting camp newspaper this week! (more info to come in a later post)!


After dinner we had a special treat for dessert! Liquid nitrogen made ice cream! Our friends from Arctic Scoop came out for the second year in a row to make everyone their very own ice cream! 


Then for the main event of the evening- the Glow Show! We had a group of acrobats put on a really cool show filled with rope swings, jugglers, Majic treats and FIRE! 

The kids got a real kick out of it. It's not something you see everyday so it really caught their attention! 



Now we are settling in for the final event of the night, the fireworks! This is an annual tradition that we have done every year for as long as I can remember!


All in all a 11/10 day! It feels like we've been here for weeks already because everything just falls so well into place! Tomorrow will be Water day with more tricks and treats!!

Fire Monday

Everyone was pretty exhausted after the first day. Lights out came pretty easy last night! 

Monday is the "Fire" day theme of the week. We started with breakfast and then headed in a few directions to morning activities.


Archery was a house favorite. 


The good-ole zip line was an even bigger favorite! It's actually not scary at all, the hardest part is making yourself step off the platform. We obviously have a lot of brave kids and most of them love the adventure of the zip line! 


And last but not least- CRAFTS

We have a huge area for crafts this year and it was full! Crafts are good because everyone can find something to do and keep them busy with for a while.



I will tell you all what the real favorite thing of the day is... GOLF CARTS. These kids love riding the golf carts to and from each activity. Even if the next activity is within 100 feet. If a golf cart is around the kids are running towards!

Today's agenda still has lunch, horizontal time (aka nap time), pool and lake party, and a GLOW PARTY AND FIREWORKs!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Holly's Fishing Derby

The unfortunate part of camp is when we have to say goodbye too soon. Kids getting their angel wings is a heart wrenching feeling and it is always a reminder of what these kids have all been through.

Holly was a camper of ours who gained her wings last year. She was an amazing kid who loved having fun and fishing! We wanted to take a minute out of the busy day and say a few words for her and dedicate the flag to her and to announce the new Holly Fishing Derby! 

Each year on the Tuesday of camp we will honor Holly by having a fishing contest in her honor. The picture of her says it all and just gives you an idea of how special she is! 

Thank you to her family for allowing us to meet and get to know your daughter! We will always remember her!!


Sunday Evening

We jumped right into things with a lake and a pool party! 



All the kids and companions got to pick a shirt design to wear to the flow party tomorrow- I think they turned out very cool! 


Boy of boy did we eat good tonight. Our friends from Cowboys For Kids came out tonight and brought a feast as well as every dessert imaginable! Cowboys for Kids is a huge support for Camp Quality, they come out every year and are just so good to us! 


From dinner we headed in a few different directions for the evening activities. The blue knights were here for the annual motorcycle rides- some of the kids loved it and ever took upwards of 6 rides each! 


We had the slot cars come out again which is a hige hit! It's kids like soap box derby only better! 



We finished out the night with a campfire and lots of songs! 
We are falling into pattern and it's a good one to fall into. Everyone is getting along and having fun and I just love the atmosphere of camp quality!