Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday afternoon and evening

After lunch and horizontal time we headed to the pool and to get ready for the dance! 
We had a decent amount of time to hang around and be at the pool and it gave the girls (mainly) enough time to swim and then get ready for the dance.
Every year we have hairdressers come in to help all the girls get ready and do their hair, nails and even give make up advice!

Once everyone had primped and gotten a head start on getting ready, we headed to dinner. And we all know what Wednesday dinner at camp means.....WICKS PIZZA!
Oh it's so good-
They bring us pizza every year at camp and help and donate meals to us through out the year as well. They are very good to us and we are so appreciative of them! 

After dinner and once we all put the finishing touches on our togas, we headed to the Kona Ice truck for a little dessert.

Now onto the dance (Toga Party)
Everyone got into the Athens spirit and dressed up. We had some clever togas- some made from pillow cases, shower curtains, sheets and more.

Once we wrap up the dance we will head to camp fire! I can believe we are already into Wednesday evening of camp week. If goes by so fast but at the same time we settle into this environment like its a second home. I will be back in the morning with campfire pictures and stories! 

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