Once dinner ended we had a short break for everyone to prep for the talent show.
The talent show was a full house and we had participation from almost all campers! We had some instruments, some singing, scientific experiments, comedy skits, and even a dance off. It was a great night and everyone had an absolute blast.
The nurses started the night off with a synchronized swimming routine- it was awesome.
Once the talent show ended we headed to our final campfire of the week and we had a big surprise waiting for us.... CINDY! Cindy is usually with us at camp and leads and directs all things music but recently had a baby, so couldn't commit to the whole week but surprised us with a camp fire to remember.
We sang, danced and I'm sure a few happy tears were shed. Campfire is a good place to be and it was the perfect ending to the last night of camp.
We headed back to our dorms Olympic Games style, and all the campers carried lanterns to light the way.
We are packing now but still have a full morning ahead of us.
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