Monday, June 24, 2019

(Temporary Backup) Sunday afternoon and evening

We arrived at the camp site and did a little orientation and went over a few rules before we headed to the dorms and had some free time at the pool and lake.

The rain tried to hold out but we only got maybe an hour of water time before we went to plan B which was head back to the dorms hang out and unpack until dinner.

Dinner was hosted by our friends with Cowboys for Kids which is a fundraiser and group that put on an event for us every year! They always bring the best homemade deserts and a wonderful dinner for us all! 

After dinner we had to change the schedule a little because of weather but it ended up being a nice night once it was all said and done. Sunday’s we usually have motorcycle rides but the rain did take that one away from us.

Everyone went their separate ways between crafts, outdoor games, slot cars and a movie! 

We had a very special ceremony honoring 5 of our campers who are no longer with us. Camp is such an amazing time every year and sometimes the reality of what our camp deals with escapes us until we loose those we care about.

We had a Hope pavilion built in honor of the kids and their families we’re present to see it open. It will be a space for our campers to go and hang out each night which is something they truly cherish. 

We ended the night, the best way- Campfire! Luckily the weather let us all gather around the fire and sing songs which is what we do best!! It was a great first day and I can’t wait to see what else the week has in store! 

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