Tuesday, October 22, 2013

National Meeting !

This past weekend was also the time of year, when all Camp Quality's from around the country come together for the yearly national meeting! Each camp sends a group to go to the conference and learn about each other, and how other camps function!

I was so honored to be able to go, and have the chance to learn more about the internal workings of the camp I love so much!
We left Friday morning after our fundraising breakfast and headed to Monroe, Louisiana!
Being the small town girl that I am, I am not used to air planes and got a little woosey on the connecting flight, but other than that it was a smooth flight!

We got there and spent the weekend there with some of my favorite ladies :)
We were in meetings all day Saturday so we really didn't have a chance to do any tourist activities, but for those of you who know Monroe is where the show Duck Dynasty is filmed!

We made a quick trip to the "warehourse" and picked up a few souviners, but didnt get to see any of the cast :( but we did snag a few pictures!

We need a bus like this for Camp Quality dont ya think!
I had so much fun, and even more I was able to take away some learning tools from other Camp's!

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