Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Camp Quality Ohio

So I know I'm a little late for this post, but I couldn't shake camp from my mind today (not that that's a bad thing). So I figured I'd let everyone know about how awesome of a time I had visiting camp Quality Ohio earlier this month, and how happy I am that I had not only one, but two weeks of Camp Quality this summer!

Camp Quality Ohio is based out of Akron Ohio, but their camp facility is now in Butler, Ohio so it was only about a 3.5/4 hour drive from Louisville! I was fortunate to be on staff this year at Camp Quality Kentuckiana and work with our programs director and help with some behind the scenes aspects of camp, but I missed the companion aspect of the week and was eager to spend time with the kiddos!

As you can probably imagine, all camp qualitys are pretty similar. They all have one goal- Letting kids with cancer be kids again! And then there were some differences (good of course) that I'm so glad I got to see and participate in! Not big differences, just some new games, new activities and a different camp facility made for almost a whole new experience for me- I loved it!

CQ Ohio not only serves kids who have been diagnosed with cancer, but it also extends a week of camp to the patients siblings. Speaking from experience of being the sibling (my b rother was a camper for 7 years, and is now a companion) of a camper this is a pretty cool thing. I love the fact that CQ Kentuckiana caters to patients only because it gives the kids such a special bond to all share, but on the same side I love that certain camps are able to offer camp (only for a few years) to siblings!

I got paired with an 8 year old little girl, who has a sister currently going through treatment. I cannot brag enough about this 8 year old. She was funny, polite, kind and loved her sisters more than anything in this world, and let me tell you it brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion! It was insanely cool to be her companion for a week and get to experience CQ Ohio together.

During the week we went on a field trip got to ride go carts and mini golf, climbed rock walls, went swimming, got henna tattoos, ate WAY to much food, went to a prom themed dance and truly  had an amazing time!

I can't say enough good things about the staff and companions at CQ Ohio. It truly says something about an organization that has branches all over the country that is  run by volunteers! So many people of all ages donating a full week of their summer to spend time with these kids. I have met some of my dearest and closest friends thanks to Camp Quality Kentuckiana, and now I can say the same about Ohio.

I got to talk with people in Ohio and find out that they love Camp just as much as I do! Some found about it through school, volunteer events and even old campers returning as companions.

I am so happy that I was able to go and I truly cannot express the emotions I have when I think about camp quality. I am so thankful to all the staff, companions and of course the kids who make this place so special! If you are ever in need of a pick me up, or want a life changing week- come volunteer next summer!