Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Too much excitement- Enrollment open!

I think I may just be a little too excited about today. Enrollment for campers and companions is now open and you can apply online and get this process started! If you have enrolled in the past, it is the same website we used last year www.campdoc.com
It should allow you to log on with your same email and password from last year and update and submit your application! Camp is continuing to grow each year and I love when the enrollment starts because it means the start of a new camp year, with new friends and people joining our family!

If you know of anyone who would be interested in becoming a camper you can message us on Facebook, go to the website and use the contact information or talk to a fellow camper you may know!
We are also always looking for new companions- male companions the most!
I feel like singing I'm just so excited!