Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pie Fight and Tuesday

IThe famous pie height was this afternoon and everyone was there to watch and throw the first handful. 
The staff here at County Lake even get in on it and have fun with us!

After that it was time to get rinsed off from the firework and shower all the dairy out of our hair. We rested a little then did a little crafting with the groups and headed to dinner!

We got some bad weather tonight but nothing to keep the kids from having fun. The pool is a little flooded for the night but other than that not a worry in sight! 

Were here

It's crazy to think that we're finally here. 12 COC meetings, countless fundraisers and meetings later we are finally here. 
We dropped out bags and headed straight to the water- lake and pool.

Country lake has a beach and tons of water toys- canoes, blog, zip line! 

Monday Fun

We PAfter lunch and morning activities we had a little down time- aka "horizontal time" but while some sleep others set up hammocks in their dorms .

Next was a pool party at both the lake and the pool. Lots of fun and games all around!
The blog is a favorite! The water activities in general are a camp favorite. A little basketball at the pool and sand time at the lake!

Perfect day!!! 

Monday night

We finished the day of the 60's with a convert and fireworks. We had two bands come out and they were both great!

All the little loved to hula hoop to the songs- lots of dancing friends hanging out together. 

And we all got shirts for "campstock"!

Then it was the famous fireworks! It is honestly like thunder over Louisville all over again. They put on such a cool show and the kids truly do love it! 

80's Tuesday

We Following with the theme of blast to the past, today we celebrated the 80's an we had some pretty good outfits.

After eggs and bacon for breakfast we headed to all the morning activities. We had a bunch of options today- crafts, pool, ymca and "double dare" which was a lot of fun!
Double dare was a serious of small game stations you had to complete to win a prize.

Dig in slime- even the nurses got in on it! 

Eat a cricket?

Pool time with friends

Even music room fun! 

The pit fight is later today so I'm sure everyone will be ready for horizontal time :)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday morning

We We have all settled in after a good nights sleep and are in full camp mode. I swear- it feels like you never leave. Even the campers and companions who are here for the first time for right in. 

We had breakfast this morning and then went to morning activities- crafts, zip line, fishing and more !

We also had a local radio station out here  learning and spreadin the word about camp!
Very good morning!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dinner and fun

We had pool time and then went to dinner and activities after!
We started off with the famous meal song- oh how have I missed it!
Cowboys for kids is one of our big sponsors and they brought us dinner tonight- and it was awesome!

After it was motorcycle rides and hang out time! 

Send off 2015

We are officially on the way to camp! We had a busy and fun filled morning with a big send off thanks to epic insurance and our friends from the poker run! 
Photo booth, food, dancing and lots of friends seeing each other again! 
It's so cool to see everyone after it's been a year away from each other. Everyone just picks right back up like they never left and I love it! 

We are in route with motorcycle escorts! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Is it really possible that camp is less than 3 weeks away? We have our second companion training this weekend and I'm finishing up the powerpoints and just wanted to drop in by the blog and get the juices flowing! This will be my third year writing a "blog" while at camp.
Just to give everyone an inside look at the week of Camp Quality Kentuckiana and how much we all love it! I like the idea of having as much 'live feeds" going at camp to give everyone a look at what were up to and how much fun were having!

We have a lot going on up until camp including our big fundraiser this weekend- June 13th is our 10th annual Poker Run! Food, Silent Auction, Music and more!
2107 Crums Lane, Shively KY 40216

Follow us on Facebook for more updates and information about upcoming events! 19 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!