Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September is Golden

For those of you who don't know, September is childhood awareness month. If you ask me it should be every month, but this is the month where we have the biggest platform to get our point across. The point that 16,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer in the U.S in the year 2015- thats 43 kids every day. It breaks my heart that the average age of kids diagnosed is 6 years old.
When I was six years old my biggest worry in life was which friend to ride home on the bus with. It is so unfair that this monster we call cancer affects not only adults we love but young children who don't even know what it is.

Working with Camp Quality over the past 8 years has been nothing short of life changing. These kids put your life into perspective so quick- how can it not change you? I have had the privilege to get to know hundreds of kids who's life has been affected by cancer and I will forever be in love with each and every one them.

Research has come such a long way in 20 years. The 5 year survival rate is over 83% and kids post treatment are evolving into healthy cancer free adults. 83% may seem like a pretty good grade on a math test but it is still not where it needs to be.

1 out of every 8 children who are diagnosed will not survive cancer. That fact alone should make you want to punch a wall. Children aren't supposed to take on adult responsibilities- if they were they would grow 5x faster and we would all be fully grown by age 8. Kids are supposed to throw temper tantrums over cookies before dinner and get grounded for arguing with their parents- they are NOT supposed to have cancer.

I challenge you to spread the word about childhood cancer this month. Get informed and find out what you can do to help.
Volunteer at Camp Quality, Walk a 5k for cancer research, volunteer at Kosair, give a donation or do any number of things to help in your own way!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Never a Goodbye- See you soon

Well we are all wrapped up with CQ 2015. We just finished closing ceremonies and the medal ceremony ones and a huge shoutout to our photographers John, Mike and Larry for the amazing slideshow of camp this year- so good

We are headed home (a little ahead of schedule I will add) and the sleepy eyes are already out and dreaming about next year has begun.

There is no other place like the week of camp. Everyone is home in a sense and a home you don't want to leave- but we are headed back to the real world now and it's a double edged sword. 
A week at times seems like a long time but then again it isn't nearly long enough. 

These kids are more than kids- there adults trapped in smaller bodies sometimes and then sometimes they are even better than your average kid. I cant wait until next year and all the events we have over the next year to see everyone agaIn.

It's hard to remember sometimes that these kids are fighting cancer year round and not just the week we are all together. There stronger and wiser than most and look at finger pricks and IV's like its a morning routine. 
I've heard it before that we can't wait till the day when Camp Quality isn't around anymore because we won't have kids fighting cancer anymore and that will be a good day. 

Thank you to all the staff, companions, campers and families for letting us get to know your kids- their pretty great

They will be home soon with lots of stories and new names of friends!

Fly high Angels

The small gathering we had was actually our first night here but I figured I would save the best for last.
Camp quality is a camp for kids with cancer, and our goal and mission is to let them just be kids again.
With the nature of our camp there is infortunately heartache in our family. This year we were just a few laughs and twinkling eyes short- we dedicated a sight and frisbee golf game at country lake in honor of our sweet kids who are now flying high and watching us from above.

The people and kids here are truly a family. When one hurts we all hurt. We focused on good memories and goofy dance moves that we will always cherish from L&H. 
Thank you girls for being you and for giving us all a little more to love in this world.
We miss you and love you.

Thank you country lake

This is our 6th year at country lake Christian retreat and it just gets better with age. The staff here goes above and beyond to make all the kids feel right at home and they even know some campers by name after all these years.

We are always in such good hands here and I can't thank you all enough for all that you do and everything you have given our kids! We love you all!!!

Friday morning

It's here- bag packing day. We forget that we actually have to leave this place sooner or later and pack up all the new goodies and memories from the past six days. 
We had a farewell to the graduates and they got to swing off one of the ropes course. Then we went down to the very wet lake and beach and watched the older kids compete in a contest- they all built their own rafts and had a race to the dock- very cool! 
Duck tape paddles and all. 

Now we are just hanging out with some noise makers at lunch until closing ceremonies. 


After lunch and a little nap we headed to the corral for a carnival spirit day. We had everything from face painting, popcorn, cotton candy and inflatables and college athletes! 

It was a blast and our friends from Louisville realtors ways treat us so well! We love you!! 

Such a bittersweet- our last day but such a good time was had!

Talent show

We still had rain all day Thursday so it did give everyone a little bit of cabin fever but the show must go on!
We had so many kids doing everything from drawing, telling jokes, playing the piano and dancing and much more!

These kids makes heart happy and it happens every year, but I can't believe it's almost over. The talent show is the last major event every year so it gets us all prepared for Friday and heading home. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Start of Thursday

Well the weather isn't any better but like usual we find a way to fight though it and have a good time.
We had the hydrolic car again this morning and our friends from Home Depot came out to help the kids build and paint projects.

We played Bingo too- and Girl Scout cookies were the prizes- yum! 

We have our spirit day at the beach later on so hopefully the weather will clear up a little for us! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


After nap time we headed to the lake, crafts and all the girls started to go get ready for the 50's sock hop! Hairdressers and poodle skirts were in full swing prepping for the big dance and our special guests the Wulf Brothers. 
We had some dance practice 

And of course song cute pictures!

We ended the night at campfire- and there is nowhere I would rather be. I love this place and the people.

I'm not ready for our last day...

Wednesday morning

The weather is a little gloomy here- but it doesn't phase much around here. Morning activities weren't really affected other than no swim time but like I said we have plenty to keep us busy.

Another morning of zip line- 

And Aidens Lego Legacy came out today. The johnsons are so sweet and love being apart of camp, and we love them being here! 
And we had a hydrolic car come out. It's like one of those cara you ride in an arcade only a hundred times bigger and better!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pie Fight and Tuesday

IThe famous pie height was this afternoon and everyone was there to watch and throw the first handful. 
The staff here at County Lake even get in on it and have fun with us!

After that it was time to get rinsed off from the firework and shower all the dairy out of our hair. We rested a little then did a little crafting with the groups and headed to dinner!

We got some bad weather tonight but nothing to keep the kids from having fun. The pool is a little flooded for the night but other than that not a worry in sight! 

Were here

It's crazy to think that we're finally here. 12 COC meetings, countless fundraisers and meetings later we are finally here. 
We dropped out bags and headed straight to the water- lake and pool.

Country lake has a beach and tons of water toys- canoes, blog, zip line! 

Monday Fun

We PAfter lunch and morning activities we had a little down time- aka "horizontal time" but while some sleep others set up hammocks in their dorms .

Next was a pool party at both the lake and the pool. Lots of fun and games all around!
The blog is a favorite! The water activities in general are a camp favorite. A little basketball at the pool and sand time at the lake!

Perfect day!!! 

Monday night

We finished the day of the 60's with a convert and fireworks. We had two bands come out and they were both great!

All the little loved to hula hoop to the songs- lots of dancing friends hanging out together. 

And we all got shirts for "campstock"!

Then it was the famous fireworks! It is honestly like thunder over Louisville all over again. They put on such a cool show and the kids truly do love it! 

80's Tuesday

We Following with the theme of blast to the past, today we celebrated the 80's an we had some pretty good outfits.

After eggs and bacon for breakfast we headed to all the morning activities. We had a bunch of options today- crafts, pool, ymca and "double dare" which was a lot of fun!
Double dare was a serious of small game stations you had to complete to win a prize.

Dig in slime- even the nurses got in on it! 

Eat a cricket?

Pool time with friends

Even music room fun! 

The pit fight is later today so I'm sure everyone will be ready for horizontal time :)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday morning

We We have all settled in after a good nights sleep and are in full camp mode. I swear- it feels like you never leave. Even the campers and companions who are here for the first time for right in. 

We had breakfast this morning and then went to morning activities- crafts, zip line, fishing and more !

We also had a local radio station out here  learning and spreadin the word about camp!
Very good morning!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dinner and fun

We had pool time and then went to dinner and activities after!
We started off with the famous meal song- oh how have I missed it!
Cowboys for kids is one of our big sponsors and they brought us dinner tonight- and it was awesome!

After it was motorcycle rides and hang out time! 

Send off 2015

We are officially on the way to camp! We had a busy and fun filled morning with a big send off thanks to epic insurance and our friends from the poker run! 
Photo booth, food, dancing and lots of friends seeing each other again! 
It's so cool to see everyone after it's been a year away from each other. Everyone just picks right back up like they never left and I love it! 

We are in route with motorcycle escorts!