I run this blog personally and under my name and email address so I feel comftorable writing about my experience and loves for camp and the campers I've been able to know and meet...
We lost an angel today... I dont know what else to say other than its just not fair. We go to summer camp every year and see these kids having so much fun and running around as if the word cancer has never been mentioned- but it only lasts a week.
When were back home and back into our normal routinues we sometimes forget that the kids are back to their routinues too... Hospitals, chemo, doctors, even relapses...
I am to blessed and honored to be a part of camp quality and for being able to spend time with kids who are far beyond their years... Its part of camp- cancer. We all know it but just sometimes forget because we are able to see so much of the good times, it doesn't even seem possible to imagine real life for some of these families.
I'm not sure who and how many people will read these posts past the week of camp, but please know how amazing these kids are all 52 weeks of the year- not just the one week at camp. I wish so much that this pain could be taken away from these kids who don't even know what it is.
Social media and phones are filled with heart break from so many other campers, companions and staff mourning the loss of such a sweet girl this morning..
Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers today and always.