Friday, June 27, 2014

Never a goodbye..

We have officially wrapped up camp quality 2014- it was so amazing and so inspirational I have no words to even describe the love.
These kids truly give me strength and hope to be a better person and for that I can't thank them enough for allowing me to watch them grow. Camp was more than a success this year it was beautiful. With over 70 campers (22 being brand new) we have grown in more then one. I already wish we were back. 
It's not goodbye to our CQ family it's just see you soon. 
Lots of sleepy campers coming home to ya. 

Last campfire

The talent show wrapped up a little early so we killed some time playing basketball and just doing a little bit of nothing before campfire.

It was s'mores night so everyone got a nice treat and of course many songs were played and giggles were heard.
These little girls let me tell you are the voices around here- they help lead chants and pass around instructions and it's soooo cute to watch them all!

We ended the night with a circle singing the camp quality song- it was perfect. You didn't want to leave- 
I say it a lot but this camp is so much more than summer camp. It's home in a way that only we understand- we have so many new campers and companions this year and it's so exciting. Talk about next year has already started... But we still have the morning!

Friday morning

We woke up a little later than usual, giving is more time to pack and prep for the small journey home. Not just going on other then breakfast and taking it easy just being with each other.
Today was camper companion superhero day- we had a few dress as their camp hero and it was so cute. 

From breakfast we went to the hero games ceremony. Prizes and toys were given out to all the kids and the biggest prize of all went too...
There is no doubt in my mind that this boy deserves the bigger prize- such a hero.
Well be home in less than 5 hours and I'm not ready...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Talent show!

After dinner we went straight into performance mode for the talent show. We had a very big line up this year with nearly 30 acts so it was a full house! 

Songs were sung and jokes were told- but most importantly memories and friendships were made and hearts were full. 

All the companions who are also past campers on stage- we had 21 past campers come as companions, it's a new record!

I love these warm nights and people in the crowd so much, I truly cannot explain the amount of love everyone has for one another...

Carnival Day

Thursdays at camp always means it's time for a carnival. The louisville realtors association put on a carnival with inflatables, food, drinks, music and gifts for all the campers! They are a huge supporter of CQ and they also provide us with the now annual bats game in July! Every year is a different color tshirt and this years was 
We also had a very special guest join us for carnival day...
DENNY CRUM! So nice and special that he came out to visit and sign some autographs.
Lots of happy campers right now.

country lake family

The facility we are ataying at is called Country Lake Christian Retreat. This is the fifth year we have been coming here and I have nothing close to a complaint. 
For all the parents reading this, know we are being taken care of outside the camp quality staff. 
We are getting full from meals, making friends we see year after year from their staff and are truly loved by them. 

They join in the talent show and pie fight  with us, and know some of us on a first name basis. We were even voted the staffs favorite summer camp by the staff- it's so cool that we are building relationships with them. The location and company of who we are with make a perfect week even better!

Country lake we love you like your face loves a taco:)

Thursdays sports heroes

Starting out Thursday the older kids walked into breakfast a little more tired than the rest from the camp out (but a very fun tired). We had a blast and it's a personal favorite activity. 

After breakfast we all went our separate ways to the morning activities. It was a very calm morning, everyone just wanted to enjoy the last full day of camp and spend time with one another. 

Basketball games were played, pool toys were used and of course the blog and zip line at the lake were put to very good use.
It was a relaxing and amazing morning and I wish we had a hundred more.

Wednesday night

After nap time and a little bit of rest we headed to do some outdoor fun. Our friends from the YMCA came out and played some field day games with us, it was fun and it's the same ladies every year who are big sweethearts! 

Then Aidan's Lego legacy came to visit for the second year in a row! They are a group focused on helping kids with cancer and providing them some fun and downtime with Legos!
It was so fun and sweet, and I loved it. We all went home with some free Legos:)

Afterwards all us girls (and guys) got all dolled up from the hairdressers for the dance! It was a costume dance party this year and the kids really get into it!
Then it was wicks pizza for dinner which did not disappoint- sooooo good!

Then it was off to the dance! Lots of pretty make up and hair on even prettier little humans!

It was so much fun and everyone had a blast! 

The little ones headed to camp fire and the 15-17 year olds went to the camp put! It was a wonderful day filled with amazing kids and people to be surrounded by!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesdays super heroes!

Today is superhero day! We got up this Morning and everyone got dressed up as their favorite superheroes.
After breakfast and costume judging we headed out to morning activities as usual. Archery was a big hit today, along with arts and crafts and jewelry making today!
Lunch and now nap time. Later on tonight is the dance and I can't wait! It's a costume party so lots of costumes are yet to come. 

This picture sums up how we are all feeling right now. Lots of smiles good vibes going on- loving life at CQ.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hero Games

To elaborate a little- we are doing something new this year called the hero games. We are all put into age groups as usual, but additionally we have new hero teams. 
-we can earn points towards hero teams by doing certain activities and you earn prizes!

There are daily winners for dressing up and attending all activities and them at the end of the week we will have team prizes!
Everyone is really getting into it and it's a really cool new addition to camp!

Tuesday continued..

After the pie fight and a little bit of rest we headed to learn some dance moves. We had a swing dance lesson and "Dance heads" came to visit.
The dance heads are when you put your head on an animated body dancing, their really cute!

From them it was dinner for pasta night- it was gooooood. We unfortunately got some light rain so we had to steal clear of the pool and lake. 
The little ones watched a movie and the older kids played some games while the companions caught a slight break. 
Then we had an indoor campfire! It was probably the loudest one yet!
Tuesday was a complete success but that dosent really surprise me:)

Old friends

We had a special visit from some old friends today- when these woman walked into the girls dorm I cannot explain the amount of squeals I heard from the building. They are loved so much and have become part of our family forever!
I'm so glad we got to see you all! 
-Jane, Millie, Sharon and Carolyn 

Tuesdays law heros!

Starting off day two- everyone was a little more rested and ready for another day. Breakfast at 8:30 we were introduced to the days theme of law enforcement heroes. After we all headed in different directions.
Some went back to the lake and pool, some to arts and crafts, or fishing. The older kids went to "low elements" rope course (this is my favorite activity!). It's team building through simple outdoor challenges and it's so much fun!

Arts and crafts are always a crowd favorite !

after morning activities we headed to lunch- Afterwards we all got ready for the annual pie fight!! Some people get VERY into this battle and enemy lines are drawn :)

Some lovely nurses :)

Now it's horizontal time and it's much needed!  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday night

After lunch and horizontal time we headed to lake and pool for some fun. We had good weather the whole time and all the kids finally got to get in the lake and tested out the boats and zip line.

After pool time we headed to dinner for Mexican night at the Corral and then we had the campapalooza concert! 
We got kona ice and enjoyed some local young bands!
We finished off the night with the annual fireworks display- it was a fabulous first day filled with tons of laughs and smiles and I can wait for tomorrow. 
Speaking for the girls dorms, the little ones were out like lights when we go back in which is a good sign in my book!